Congrats - I'm Glad You Made It Here!
You are just 1 short conversation away from    learning how to eliminate the following challenges:
1. Attracting a consistent flow of QUALITY Leads EVERY week/month
2. Acquiring a consistent flow of QUALITY new clieints every month.
3. Breaking through your glass ceiling and earning what you desire.
4. Putting Lead Follow-up and Conversion systems in place that help your leads get to know, like and trust you - AND, understand how and why you are better/different than all of your competitors - the same day you talk to them.
5. Having "sales" systems in place that "work for you" so you have 25% - 50% more free time.
(We try to keep as many appointment slots available when we have webinars)
Below, you will find just a few of the reviews and testimonials I've received since I started my marketing company in 1999.

I've been helping professionals AUTOMATE the growth of their practice and income for a VERY long time. In fact, since I have my SYSTEMS down to such an EXACT step-by-step science...I GUARANTEE results for my clients.

I use my Fortune 500 training, UNIQUE and proven marketing SYSTEMS - along with Lead Follow-Up and Conversion processes and high-level coaching to provide my clients with the FREEDOM of having a CONSISTENT flow of leads, business, success, wealth and personal fulfillment.

When you use my systems, you earn Expert Positioning in a way that enables the prospect to understand that they cannot find anyone else that can help them like YOU can. 

And, that means, you will NEVER have to worry about acquiring new business again!

You will not regret the time, the investment, or the results

“Dr. Len, is not just capable, but enthusiastic, creative, helpful, and full of marketing tips and techniques which have helped me grow my business since the day I hired him. Get to know him and enjoy the journey of working with him, you will not regret the time, the investment, or the results."  

DOUBLED my practice in 1 year

“I had a pretty successful practice and was seeing 200 people per week.
In my first year in working with Dr. Len, we doubled my practice and went to 400 people per week. Don't think about it - just work with him - you will not regret it!"
Dr. Lynne Sullivan.

Doubled my practice - TWICE

"Dr. Len doubled my practice - TWICE - in less than 1 year.
Tim S.

I generated $20,000 in new patients

"I generated $20,000 in new patients in my first 2 months in your service. My new practice has never been this busy and my office is running smoothly with great enthusiasm and momentum."
Dr. Ron S.

This has generated at least $80,000 to me

"I used your specific tele-class strategy and generated 41 new patients in one night. This has generated at least $80,000 to me - and that does not include their referrals. I am using one of your internal referral strategies and now have 3 full time girls on the phones calling people back every day." 
Dr. J. Martin

$10 Million in new business within 6 months

"I generated $10 Million in new business in my first 6 months of working with Dr. Len”
Larry T., Financial Advisor

Double my practice in the next 6 – 12 months

“You’ve got me out of my comfort zone and ready to implement many more ‘things’ than I have in the past. My employees are more organized and I have multiple systems in place to help me grow my practice. I do believe you will help me double my practice in the next 6 – 12 months.”
Beth B., Financial Advisor

I now have 50 -100 marketing strategies

“I have wasted big money on multiple management companies and programs and got nothing from them. Dr. Len's content is great. Lots of strategies and good ideas. This program will have a dramatic effect on my practice and income in the next 6 – 12 months. Dr. Len really knows what he is talking about – he has tested all of this... What feels great is that I’m getting REAL value. This information is not general – it is specific to my practice and my area. I now have 50 -100 marketing strategies to generate new patients all year long.”
Dr. Lad Z., Dentist

Over $20,000 in new patients in our first 2 months

“We've had a 110% increase in new patients by implementing just some of the systems and procedures and have generated over $20,000 in new patients in our first 2 months in your service."
-Dr. Luigi D.

Your chances of success just doubled!

 "Len has done an amazing entrepreneurial job of building a successful company around a great service that helps people in their business. Over the years, I have not found many other executives who are as smart and capable as Dr. Len Schwartz. If you have Len on your team, your chances of success just doubled!”
Mitch Russo, Coaching Systems Architect - Former CEO: Tony Robbins/Chet Holmes Co., Author of #1 Best Seller Invisible Organization

I am very grateful

“When I saw info about Dr. Schwartz’s program I inquired, liked it, signed up, and it worked out well. It wasn’t 1, 2, or 3 ideas. It was the overall program I was looking for all this time. It provided me with a lot of fishing poles in the water.

 A lot of things that would bring patients to me not just once or twice but on a regular basis. He provided me with enough programs that once they are in place they run themselves and I sit back and manage. I am at the point where I am thinking about cutting back my hours. I want to have the practice get busier and I just manage. These programs allow me to do that . I am very grateful…!"
 Jim L.

Worth the investment

“I can tell you with 100 percent certainty that working with Dr. Len was more than worth the investment and will absolutely help me grow my practice. I commend Dr. Schwartz for putting together such a fine marketing and practice building program.” 
Dr. Fred H., Dentist

Dr. Len’s ideas are unique

“Having practiced for 27 years I truly can say Dr. Len’s ideas are unique, organized and doable for any professional who wants to increase their market domination and consequently increase their income.”
Anthony D., Chiropractor

Double your practice and income

"Don't even think about working with Dr. Len - JUST DO IT - you won't regret it! If you want a true marketing expert to help you double your practice and income - work with Dr. Len!
Phil B.
(We try to keep as many appointment slots available when we have webinars)

As Seen On...:

    Chet Holmes, 
    Fortune 500 Strategies

    "I've never worked with another doctor that has the marketing, copywriting and advertising skills as Dr. Len Schwartz"

    Tony Robbins

    "The reason I partnered with Dr. Len is because he is the best at what he does"

    Dr. Len interviews his client John (a Financial Advisor) about the SYSTEMS he used to generate $14M+ in less than 30 days 

    Dr. Len interviews his client Gene about the SYSTEMS he used to generate @ $100k in income in less than 90 days.

    Dr. Lynne Sullivan talks about how she doubled her (already large) practice 

    Larry, a Financial Advisor talks about how he generated @ $10M in his first 6 months

    I look forward to helping you put systems and strategies in place to automate the growth of your business and income!

    And, help you experience the FREEDOM that comes with consistent growth!

    Dr. Len 
    877-204-2739 x 149
    Copyright 2017 - Market Domination Services. All Rights Reserved.